Updated July 27, 2024

Read any good books lately by an author named LeValley?  There are more of them than you might think.  Most of those listed below come from the World Catalog of library books.  The genre (if unclear) and the family of the author are in brackets.

Published Books and Booklets

Ann LeValley Oehler.  April Showers.  New York: Avalon Books, 2003.  [Peter B-34.  She writes romance novels under her maiden name.]

Ann LeValley Oehler.  Sublime Decline.  New York: Avalon Books, 2004.  [Peter B-34]

Brandon LeValley.  Death Train.  Escondido: Dark Planet, 2012.  [Peter A-73]

Brandon LeValley.  Freefall.  Brandon LeValley, 2013.  [Peter A-73]

Brigette LeValley Thornes.  The Closing Prophecy.  Layna Series/Book One.  BLT Press, 2016  [Peter B-24+]

Brigette LeValley Thornes.  The Washer.  Layna Series/Book Two.  Lenexa, KS: BLT Press, 2018.  [Peter B-24+]

Brigette LeValley Thornes.  The Wheeler on Wheels.  Lenexa, KS: BLT Press, 2019.  [Juvenile, Peter B-24+]

Cleo LeVally.  Cleo's Patchwork: A Book of Seminole Indian Patterns--With Clan Patterns.  Healdton OK: by the author, 1991.  [Xenia part 3]

Cleo LeVally.  Cleo's Patchwork: A Teaching Workbook of Seminole Indian Patterns.  Healdton OK: by the author, 1990.  [Xenia part 3]

D[avid] Wilford LeValley.  The Royal Family of England.  East Saginaw, MI: D.W. LeValley & Co., 1885.  [chart, Peter D-137]

Donna LeValley (later LeValley-Cocovinis), contributing editor to J. K. Lasser's Your Income Tax.  John Wiley & Sons, published annually.  [Prosper line]

Josephine Butkowska Bernhard and Elizabeth Frances Le Valley.  The Master Wizard and other Polish Tales.  New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1934, 1940.  [unknown]

Fred LeValley.  [I have borrowed, through Interlibrary Loan, LeValley-McLeod's 1940 catalogue of plumbing supplies, but it does not seem to be listed any more. Peter E-115]

H[enry] E. LeValley.  H. E. LeValley, Teacher of Banjo, Guitar and Mandolin.  Providence, 1897.  [pamphlet, Peter A-29]

H[enry] E. LeValley.  A Practical Method for Guitar.  Logansport IN: The Metropolitan School of Music, c.1898.

James F. LaValley.  The Freedom Quest Trilogy.  Edgewater FL: Denlinger's Publishers, 2003.   [novels based on LeValley family history, Peter D-115]
    Freedom Voyage (originally published Franklin Springs, GA: LifeSprings Resources, 1994)
    Freedom Venture
    Freedom Valor

James F. LeValley.  Paul Invades Rome.  NP:CreateSpace, 2011.  [Peter D-115]

James & Cathy LeValley.  Talk to Your Soul: Raise Your Energy Vibration through Inner Awareness and Manifest a New Reality.  N.P.: CreateSpace, 2007.  [self help  Peter C-120]

Janet LeValley.  Ghosts and Haunted Artefacts.  n.p., 2017.  [Peter J-75]

Janet LeValley.  The Naga's Child.  Nugegoda: Sarasavi Publishers, 2004.  [autobiographical experiences in shaminism, Peter J-75]

Jason LeValley.  Kaitlin Sings a Song.  Booktango, 2012.  [juvenile, Peter G-107]  

Josanne La Valley.  Factory Girl.  Clarion Books, 2017.  [juvenile, Peter D-90.4]

Josanne La Valley.  The Vine Basket.  Houghton Mifflin, 2015.  [juvenile, Peter D-90.4]

Joseph LeValley.  Burying the Lede.  Des Moines: Booklpress Publishing, 2019.  [mystery, Peter G-30]

Joseph LeValley.  Cry from an Unknown Grave.  Des Moines: Bookpress Publishing, 2020.  [mystery, Peter G-34]

Joseph LeValley.  Performing Murder.  Des Moines: Bookpress Publishing, 2022.  [Mystery, G-34]

Joseph LeValley.  The Sophocles Rule.  [Published electronically, Bookpress Publishing], 2023.  [Mystery, G-34]

Leslie D. LaValley.  The Basket Letters.  Walton, NY: The Basket Historical Society of the Upper Delaware Valley, 1998.  [local history, Peter D-113]

Martha Le Valley.  Only a Woman.  New York: 1972.  [poetry, unknown]

Martha LeValley.  Deadly Dance / Divine Dance: A Journey Into Freedom.  n.p.: Dorrance Publishing, 2013.  [Peter J-74]

Norma LeValley.  A Tree for Me.  1987.  [jevenile, Peter D-45]

Paul LeValley.  Art follows Nature: A Worldwide History of the Nude.  Berkeley: Edition One Books.  2016.  Contents and sample chapters posted at <>  [Peter B-69]

Paul LeValley.  History of Morrice, Michigan.  Tallahassee: by the author, 2001, 2nd ed. 2013.  Short version: <http.//>.  [booklet, Peter B-69]

Paul LeValley.  In His Own Image Created He Them: Nude Illustrations of Bible Stories.  Collierville: Instant Publisher, 2024.

Paul LeValley.  The LeValleys of Monteagle: Descendants or Peter LeValley of Warwick, Rhode Island, 2 vols.  West Valley City, UT: Family History Publishers, 2020.  [Peter B-69]

Paul LeValley.  Naturist Writings of Paul LeValley, Including Movie Reviews.  Collierville: Instant Publisher, 2022.  [Peter B-69]

Paul LeValley.  Naturists: Upholders of Strong Family Values.  Tallahassee: Tallahassee Naturally, 1997, 2nd ed. 2001, 3rd ed. 2007, 4th ed. 2017.  [booklet, Peter B-69]

Paul LeValley.  One Boy's Adventure in the South Seas.  Kissimmee: by the author.  2021.  [Juvenile.  Peter B-69]

Paul LeValley.  The Orfalinda Trilogy and Other Early Writings.  Baltimore: PublishAmerica, 2004.  Excerpts available at <>.  [short stories, poems, essays, Peter B-69]

Paul LeValley.  Seekers of the Naked Truth: Collected Writings on the Gymnosophists and Related Shramana Religions.  Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2018.  [Peter B-69]

Paul LeValley.  A Visit to Athens, Sparta, and Olympia.  Kissimmee: by the author.  2021.  [Juvenile.  Peter B-69]

David Bradford, Floyd Reed, and Robbie Baird LeValley.  When the Grass Stood Stirrup-High: Facts, Photographs, and Myths of West-Central Colorado.  Colorado State University, 2004.  [Peter H-23]

Steve B. LeValley.  1989 Sheep Research Highlights.  Colorado State University, Dept. of Animal Sciences, 1989.  [Peter H-14]

LeValley Vitae Carbon Brush Company.  LeValley Killowats.  New York: by the company, 1897.  [probably a pamphlet--no surviving copies known.  Company founded by Darius A. LeValley, Peter A-125]

LeValley Vitae Carbon Brush Company.  A Little Story of a Big success.  New York: by the company, 1920s.  [booklet about Darius LeValley, Peter A-125]

Wally LeValley.  Common Cords.  Monterey: Thunderbird Press, 2007.  [local history, Valcartier]

Wally LeValley.  Waiting to be Called....  Monterey: Thunderbird Book Press, 2005.  [essays, Valcartier] 

Electronic books that have never been published on paper

Brandon LeValley.  Freefall.  Amazon Digital Services, 2013.  [Peter A-73]

Catherine LeValley.  Involuntary Simplicity: How to Prosper During Life's Little Setbacks.  Published electronically on a site no longer available, 2002.  [self-help, Peter C-120]

Janet LeValley.  Bathroom: Epiphanies.  Amazon Digital Services, 2017.  [Peter J-75]

Janet LeValley.  Blood Bouquets & Honey Cake.  Amazon Digital Services, 2017.  [Peter J-75]

Janet LeValley.  Cases in Hypnosis: Applying Erikson's Developmental Stages.  Amazon Digital Services, 2017.  [Peter J-75]

Janet LeValley.  Door 3: What Happens When I Die? (Doors to Open).  Amazon Digital Services, 2017.  [Peter J-75]

Janet LeValley.  Door 13: Visiting Other Countries. Doors to Open).  Amazon Digital Services, 2017.  [Peter J-75]

Jim LeValley.  Emerging Technical Skills: Requirements for 21st Century Knowledge Workers.  Published electronically at  [Power Point presentation.  Victor LeValley family]

Unpublished Dissertations and Manuscripts in Libraries

Alyse LeValley.  Tracking the Tiger: Imaging the Beast in British India.   thesis University ot Texas, 2007.  [Valcartier]

Andrew LeValley.  Recalibrating Our Moral Compass: How America's Narrowing Value System is Erasing LGBTQ+ People in Schools.  thesis University of Vermont, 2020.  [Peter G-26]

Bradley D. LeValley.  Determination of Retention Properties of Endodontic Retrograde Filling Materials Under Vertical Load.  thesis Marquette University, 1995.  [dentistry, Peter G-119]

Brigett LeValley Thornes.  Fortunate Fall: A Novel.  thesis Albion college, 2006.  [Peter B-24+]

John LeValley.  Protein Fractionation of Hog Thyroid Glands.  thesis University of Buffalo, 1955.  [Peter D-45]

John A. LeValley.  Agendas, Attitude Crystallization, and the Growth of Public Opinion.  thesis University of Texas at Austin, 1996.  [Xenia, part 3]

Josanne La Valley.  A Comparative Study of the Collaboration of W.H. Auden and Chester Krall with Igor Stravinsky and Hans Werner Henze: An Explication of the Composers' Methods of Musically Interpreting the Libretto.  thesis Smith College, 1968.  [Peter D-129]

Linda LeValley Cervantes.  Women's Stories: Gender and the Culture of Fiction in the United States.  diss. Stanford University, 1985.  [Andrew Jackson]

Michael Herbert LeValley.  Cohort Analysis of Tuberculosis Mortality in a Japanese American Population, 1907-1945.  thesis University of Washington, 1983.  [Victor line]

Michael [Herbert] LeValley.  Seattle Teen Health Survey.  Seattle: Seattle-King County Department of Public Health, 1986.  [Victor line]

Michael J. LeValley.  Treatment of Ichthyophthiriasis in Channel Catfish with a Triiodinated Resin and Free Iodine.  thesis Kansas State University, 1979.  [Peter J-90]

Mike [Michael J.] LeValley et. al. The Kaw River Nature and History Guide.  Fort Riley, KS: First Territorial Capitol Museum, 1986.  [booklet, Peter J-90]

Michelle Renee LeValley.  A Thematic Analysis of Opening Statements and Closing Arguments in a Well-Publicized Criminal Trial.  diss. University of Tennessee, 1997.  [Xenia, part 1]

Miller W. LeValley.  Utilization of Self-Appraisal Inventories for Approaches to Teaching.  thesis Boise State College, 1973.  [Peter F-66]

Paul LeValley.  The Gymnosophist Legacy in India, 326 B.C.-1604 A.D.  diss. Florida State University, 1987.  [Peter B-69]

Paul LeValley.  The LeValley Family.  [outdated] chart, 1971.  [Peter B-69]

Peter Williston LeValley.  Peer Supervision for Mentors: A Program of Supervision for Supervisors.  diss. United Theological Seminary, 1998.  [Peter E-100]

Robert LeValley Church.  The Development of the Social Sciences as Academic Disciplines at Harvard University, 1869-1900, 2 vols.  diss. Harvard University, 1965.  [Peter F-75+]

R[oberta] Baird LeValley.  Alternative Feeds for Cattle During Drought.  Fort Collins: Colorado State University Co-operative Extension, 2003.  [pamphlet, Peter H-23]

Ronald R. LeValley.  The Plumage Sequence and Taxonomy of the Yellow-Footed Western Gull (Larus Occidentalis Livens).  thesis Humbolt State University, 1979.  [Xenia, part 3]

Ruth Gibson LeValley.  A Study of Weekday Religious Education in North Carolina Public Schools.  thesis University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1946.  [Peter J-190]

Sharon Campbell LeVally.  Selected Urinary Nitrogen Metabolites of Six College Women Participating in Metabolic Studies.  thesis Ohio State University, 1969.  [Xenia part 1]

Stephen Byron LeValley.  Investigation of Microbiological Counts on Carcasses in U.S. Lamb Slaughter Plants and Development of a Model HACCP Plan for Lamb Feeding, Transportation, Receiving and Slaughtering/Dressing.  diss. Colorado State University, 1999.  [Peter H-14]

Stephen Byron LeValley.  Pulmonary Hypertension in Beef Cattle.  thesis Colorado State University, 1978.  [Peter H-14]

Terry Wayne LaValley.  Input-Output Analysis of Educational Expenditures on Student Achievement.  diss. University of Oklahoma, 1990.  [Peter I-74]

W[should be Lewis] H. LeValley and W. K. Sutton. Design of Piping for Cryogenic Fluids.  Presentation at Cryogenic Engineering Conference.  New York: Union Carbide, 1961.  [Peter B-21]

Shorter Works in Collections or Periodicals

[Most shorter works are never catalogued.  Only the very few that show up in internet searches are listed here.]

Jack LeValley.  "Will of the Wind." Mysteries of the Finger Lakes, vol. 1, ed. Stephen Beals.  Six Lakes Arts, 1989.  [unknown]

Joan C. LeValley.  "Tips for handling an IRS Offshore Credit Card Audit (Thoughts from a Woman Entrepreneur).  The National Public Accountant, Oct. 1, 2003.  [Xenia part 3]

Linda LeValley Kama'ila.  "Poetry and History: Reflections on Stanley Diamond's Arbeit Macht Frei."  Dialectical Anthropology, vol. 24, no. 3/4 (1999).  pp. 293-304.  [Andrew Jackson]

Paul LeValley.  "Art Follows Nature," regular column in Naturally (later Travel Naturally) magazine, 1990-2008.  [Republished as a book, Peter B-69]

Paul LeValley.  "Jain Heirs: Or, The Real Gymnosophists, Their Thoughts, Their Legacy."  Clothed with the Sun, vol. 6, no. 4 (Winter 1986-87).  pp. 71-74.  [Greek athletes and Indian holy men, Peter B-69]

Norma LeValley.  "Hitchcock the Anthologer."  Mystery, vol. 2, no. 3.  ed. Thomas Godfrey.  Los Angeles: Mystery, 1981.  [Peter D-45]

Rachael K. LeValley.  Film review of Alain Resnais’ Nuit et Brouillard.  Published electronically: <>  [Victor line]

Ron[ald] R. LeValley.  Various articles and photographs on California shorebirds and wildlife.  [Xenia, part 3]

Victor R. LeValley.  "A Dare-Devil Diver Who Conquered Fear."  Everybody's Magazine.  Aug. 1927.  [Prosper line]

Contributors to Scientific Journals

Scientific journals have the irritating habit of listing their authors only by initials.  Here are the identities of the most prolific writers:

A or AJ = Aaron Joseph (Peter E-102)--neurology
B = Bob (Peter G-73)--Oklahoma agriculture
BD = Bradley David (Peter G-119)--dentistry
CW = Christopher Warren (Peter J-149)--inventions
GG = Guy Glenn (Peter E-69)--theatre
J = John III (Peter D-41)--inventions
J = John IV (Peter D-45)--medical
JC = Jewel Chantelle (Peter J-36)--physiology
JK = Joan C. Krall (Xenia part 3)--banking and taxes
JR = James R. (Victor fragment)--internet
M or MJ = Michael J. (Peter J-90)--Kansas ecology
N = Norma (Peter D-45)--various feature articles
R or RB = Roberta "Robbie" Baird (Peter H-23)--Colorado agriculture
R or RJ = Randal James (Peter J-33)--paper products
R or RR = Ron (Xenia part 3)--California shorebirds
S or SB = Stephen Byron (Peter H-14)--sheep
S or SE = Susanna E. (Peter F-117)--testing drugs on animals
TL = Trevor Lynn (Peter J-34)--water and steam


The March 18, 1891 issue of The Congregationalist and Boston Recorder has on its front cover a story by Rose Terry Cooke called "Her View of It."  An elderly Miss Ann LeValley speaks a couple of lines in it.

In April 1894, several newspapers ran a story about Mark B. Levalley (no such person known) of Tunkahanna Creek (in no particular state) and his old dog that attacked an otter.

On August 9, 1914, the Philadelphia Inquirer published a short story titled "Last Fox Chase of the Season."  No author was listed.  The hero, a young aristocratic fox hunter named Fred LeValley, ends up marrying the farmer's daughter, Leila "Stub" Carmer.  No people with those names are known.

Ruth Suckow's novel New Hope (set in 19th-century Iowa) includes a photographer named Mr.LeValley and his wife.  [William M. LeValley (B-112) was such a photographer, but in Kansas.]

Michael Connelly has written several mysteries which include a female police Captain LeValley.  She may be the same Laura LeValley, who is a California real estate saleswoman in his novel Void Moon.   He is acquainted with the real California real estate saleswoman of that same name.

A LeValley High School has a rival sports team in You Complete Me, an online gay novel by an undisclosed author, 2022.

Sheet music

C[hristopher] W. LeValley.  Amid the Palms.  np: 1916.  [Peter J-149]

Christopher W. LeValley.  Columbia, Belle of the Congaree.  np: 1916.  [Peter J-149]

Christopher W. LeValley.  Dream Little One.  [words by Helen Spencer Allen, music by C. W. LeValley]  Milwaukee: Christopher W. LeValley. 1915.  [Peter J-149]

C[hristopher] W. LeValley.  Lullaby, Baby Darling.  Mother’s Song and Waltz.  Milwaukee: C. W. LeValley, 1901.  No copies known.  [Peter J-149]

C[hristopher] W. LeValley.  National Invocation Hymn.  Milwaukee: C. W. LeValley, 1901.  No copies known.  [Peter J-149]

Christopher W. LeValley.  National Hymn.  [words by S. F. Smith, Music and fifth verse by C. W. LeValley]  np:1917.  [Peter J-149]

Christopher W. LeValley.  Young Tumble In.  np: 1916.  [Peter J-149]
H[enry] E. LeValley.  Gems for the Banjo: Hope and Honor Schottische.  Providence: H. E. LeValley, 1890.  [Peter A-29]

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