Updated March 22, 2011
Of Michael LeValley's three sons, the Snow manuscript traces only the descendants of Caleb--and that was done without access to the early Bible records. Fortunately, five such sets of Bible records survive, and a few probate documents can fill in the some of the other relationships:
Peter LeValley
c.1683-1757 =Sarah
Michael 1720-c.76
=Almy Bailey
Peter Jr. c.1758-1828 =Katherine
1. List of heirs
Henry c.1784-1833 =A. Elizabeth
2. Will
Levi 1803-47 =Mary McClure
Hugh 1826-95 =Sarah
3. Bible record
Clark 1804-52 =Susan Childress (later Dodge)
4. Susan's will
Daniel 1834-1908 =Mary Jane Cook
P. Clyde 1884-1962 =Pearl
5. Bible record
Henry Jr. 1805-c.53 =Mary Tunks
Phebe 1830-1904 =Joseph
6. Bible record
George W. 1824- =Nancy Deaver
Benjamin 1767-1849 =Mary Greene
Henry 1798-1856 =Elisabeth
7. Bible record
Caleb 1771- =Alice
8. Bible record
Sr. 1801-92 =Emeline Borden
9. Affidavit
Warren 1805-52 =Nancy Whalon
1852- =Julius Davol +++
10. Published
Any clarifying notations
by me are
in brackets. The probate records all contain misspellings of
notably LeValley--that I have left unaltered.
1. Heirs of Peter LeValley Jr.
[In Rhode Island, he was usually called Peter Jr. to distinguish him from his older cousin, Peter Sr. This has caused no end of confusion. Even the DAR has honored his Revolutionary War service by placing a marker on his cousin's grave. There is no record of him using the Jr. after he moved to New York state.]
In the matter of the proof
of the last Will and Testament
of Peter Levally dec.
County JP Elisha Jennings of the town of
Sennett in said County being sworn
deposeth saith, that he was well acquainted with
Peter Levally late of the town of
Sennett aforesaid now deceased, that the said Peter
Levally died in the said town of Sennet
which was his place of residence on or about
the twenty fifth day of September
in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight
hundred and twenty eight, that the
said Peter Levally left an widow, Catharine Levally
who is yet alive; that the following
are his heirs at law, as far as this deponant knows or
believes, to wit, Harry Levally of
the State of Indiana, Phebe Potter, wife of Abiatha
Potter of the town of Hannibal in
the County of Oswego, Hulda Strong, wife of Isaac
Strong of the town of Sennett, and
[Cata] the wife of this deponant before me this 25th day of
Oct. 1830.
Elisha Jennings
2. Will of Henry LeValley
[This Henry (only son of Peter Jr.) should not be confused with his cousin Henry (only son of Benjamin) whose Bible record is listed below. This Henry wrote his will in Shelby County, Ohio in 1825, but died in Fountain County, Indiana, where the will was probated in 1833. This record comes from a typed version. I have not seen the spelling or capitalization of the original. His wife, Anstress Elizabeth, normally went by her middle name.]
Henry Levalley's Last Will
In the
name of God
Amen. I Henry Levalley of Shelby County in the State of
Ohio being sick and weak in body but
of sound and disposing mind, memory and
understanding, considering, the certainty
of death and the uncertainty of the time
thereof, and being desires to settle
my worldly affairs, and thereby be the better
prepared to leave this world when
it should please God to call me home do therefore
make and publish this my last will
and testament in manner and form following, that is
to say, first and principally I commit
my soul into the hands of Almighty God and my
body to the earth to be decently intered
at the discretion of my executrix herein after
named and after my debts and funeral
charges are paid I desire and bequeath as
follows: then I give and devise
unto Levi Levalley my eldest son forty acres of land to
be taken off of the East side of the
Quarter Section I now live on to him the said Levi
and his heirs and assigns in fee simple;
then I give and bequeath unto my wife Austress
Elizabeth LeValley all the rest and
residue of my estate both real and personal so long
as she shall remain a widow or during
her natural life provided that if the said Anstress
Elizabeth should marry then and in
that case Clark P. Levalley, Henry Levalley, Phoebe
Levalley, Mary Levalley, Nancy Levalley,
Hulda Levalley, Catherine Levalley and
George W. Levalley, my children are
to receive two thirds of said estate share and
share alike, the said Anstress Elizabeth
retaining one third during her natural life and at
her decease to be equally divided
amongst all my children provided that if the said
Anstress Elizabeth should remain a
widow until her decease then and in that case, my
son Levi Levalley is to have one twenty
seventh part of the whole remaining exclusive
of the before mentioned forty acres.
And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my
dear wife Anstress Elizabeth to be
sole exectrix of this my last will and testament
revoking and annulling all former
wills by me made heretofore satisfying and confirming
this and none other to be my last
will and testament. In testimony whereof I, Henry
Levalley have to this my will and
testament set my hand and seal this twenty fourth day
of September in the year of our Lord
One thousand eight hundred and twenty five.
Henry Levalley seal
signed sealed published and delivered
by Henry Levalley the above named testator and
for his last will and testament in
the presents of us who at his request and in his
presents have subscribed our names
as witnesses thereto--Jas Lenex, Hesekiah
Hubbell, Jne Wilson
3. Bible record of Henry's grandson Hugh
[I have not seen a copy of the original document. Joann Deter LeValley rearranged the information when typing this report in the 1980s. One page begins with this explanatory note:]
All material included here taken from [a handwritten paper found in] the family Bible of Hugh M. and Sarah J. Poe LeValley which is passed to the eldest son of the generation.
b. June 4, 1803
[Birth record at Stamford VT agrees.]
m. May 27, 1824
Mary McClure b. February 5, 1805
d. January 15, 1879
d. June 18, 1847
b. May 25, 1825
m. July 3, 1844
Jesse Simpson
d. June 18, 1845
Hugh M.
b. November 18,
1826 Ohio
m. August 24, 1854
Sarah J. Poe b. April 16, 1836 Franklin Co., Ohio
d. April 7, 1895 [April 17 on another page]
d. November 20,
b. April 17, 1829
m. December 13,
1850 Thomas Petty
Andrew J.
b. February 27,
d. April 8, 1833
Isaac C.
b. July 8, 1834
m. July 4, 1859
Julia Ceton
David J.
b. April 3, 1839
m. September 20,
1860 Virginia Gasaway
b. March 16, 1842
d. April 26, 1860
Joseph S.
b. July 31, 1846
Francis Aimie [listed in
other records
as Sarah Fannie]
b. October 10,
d. October 11,
Mary E.
b. March 3, 1857
Wabash Co., Ind.
m. December 5,
1878 [Francis Larison]
d. April 1927
Charles Fremont
b. October 25,
1858 Wabash Co., Ind.
m. January 17,
1887 Lillie Hudson b. November 1, 1859 Green Co.,
d. February 22, 1920 Crawford, CO
d. June 29, 1917
Crawford, CO Buried Woodbine, Iowa
Julia Alice [went by her
middle name]
b. April 9, 1861
Logan Co., Ill.
m. March 12, 1884
[Thomas Flood]
b. February 22,
1875 Lincoln, Ill.
d. February 22,
Walter Hugh
b. July 6, 1877
Menard Co., Ill.
m. (1st) November
14, 1900 Ada Cox
(2nd) July 6, 1914 Vera Gatrast
d. April 25, 1955
Fred H.
b. December 6,
1887 Dundy Co., Nebr.
m. April 11, 1925
Martha Elena Card b. October 13, 1884
d. March 26, 1967
d. October 4, 1972
Thomas Byron
b. June 12, 1889
Dundy Co., Nebr.
m. August 31, 1920
Kathryn Fobare b. December 9, 1894 Delta Co., CO
d. April 11, 1965 Hotchkiss, CO
d. April 15, 1981
Delta, CO
b. July 10, 1891
Dundy Co., Nebr.
m. October 25,
1922 Wallace Goodwin
d. July 28, 1949
Crawford, CO
Mary E.
b. November 6,
1893 Dundy Co., Nebr.
d. September 17,
Infant son
[Remaining unnamed
seems inconsistent with the age at death.]
b. December 21,
1894 Harrison Co., Iowa
d. January 27,
b. May 27, 1896
Harrison Co., Iowa
m. July 16, 1924
George Goodwin
b. October 8, 1897
Harrison Co., Iowa
m. May 31, 1923
Mark DeMotte
d. April 27, 1985
Los Angeles, CA
Infant son
[Remaining unnamed
seems inconsistent with the age at death.]
b. March 16, 1899
Harrison Co., Iowa
d. March 12, 1900
James C.
b. August 3, 1902
Logan, Iowa
1933 Ruby Carpenter
d. July 3, 1967
Denver, CO
[The report continues with more detaled information on later generations, but no further reference to the family Bible.]
4. Will of Clark's widow, Susan Childress LeValley Dodge
[Susan could not read or write. Her will, dated July 19, 1882 in Sonoma County, California, was obviously writted by a lawyer. The crux of it is in one paragraph listing Clark's and her children:]
It is my will that after all my debts are paid including my funeral expences, that my property of every nature Real personal or mixed Shall be Equally divided between Caroline Hendricks, Sarah A. Robinson (perhaps now Bosworth) and Theressa Spergen All being my daughters and of full age. And it is my intention to Exclude from this will my sons Henry Levalley & Daniel T. Levalley and the Heirs of Jane Thompson my daughter now dead.
5. Bible Record of P. Clyde LeValley
This bible was presented new to Clark's grandson Pearl Clyde LeValley in 1894. He made the original entries around 1905. A second hand recorded two more deaths in 1907 and 1908 (probably his mother when she was living with him). Later, a third hand (perhaps his wife) made several corrections. Then a child (probably their daughter Imogene) scribbled the remaining lines full. A fifth hand (probably the mature Imogene) made the final entry recording her birth. All writing other than Pearl's is shown here in italics.
Because births spilled onto the Marriage page, marriages never were recorded.
Mr. D. F. LeValley
1834 Feb 1
Mary Jane Cook, August 19, 1839
[Their children were:]
Minia LeValley 13 July
1860 [She called herself Nina.]
Mildred LeValley Feb 26
Edgar LeValley 5 June
1863 [written over 1864]
Lula LeValley Feb 26 1865
Don LeValley 5 Aug 1867
[should be 1866]
Ada LeValley April 1 1868
Oliver LeValley Dec 2
Lee LeValley Feb 2 1872
[written over 1873]
Lawrence LeValley Jan 19
1874 [written over 1875]
Daisy LeValley, October 11, 1877
[written over 1878]
[Continued on the marriage page]
Frances LeValley June 12
Pearl LeValley July 5
[Grandchildren included:]
Ray LeValley, October 1, 1896
[probably Lee's son]
May LeValley, May 5, 1894
[should be 1893] [definitely Lee's daughter]
Born Im
[Without enough unscribbled space, this was written at the bottom of
first page:]
Imogene Frances LeValley
October 15 1919 [Pearl's daughter]
Ada LeValley age 2
June 5 1868
Oliver LeValley age 32 years
Feb 4 1902
Lulu Whitmore Age 42 yrs
26 Sept 10 1907
D. T. LeValley. Age 74 yrs.
Died Jan 13th 1908
Mrs. M. J. LeValley Age 78.
Died Dec 17, 1917
6. Bible record of Phebe LeValley Garland
[This Bible was copyrighted in 1875, which means that all family information was written in at least a quarter-century after it happened. This record of Phebe LeValley Garland and her children would be of little interest to most LeValley researchers, were it not for the earlier information recorded in a less ornate hand on the Miscellaneous page. I suspect that that second writer was her mother, Mary Tunks LeValley. The Miscellaneous page probably came last, but copies were sent to me in chronological order--which I have kept here.]
Henry Levalley Was Bornd
August 26
185 [Birth record at Stamford VT says Aug. 25, 1805]
Mary Levalley Was Boarnd May the 3
1810 [probably the author of this page]
[Their daughter Phebe is listed on
the Birth page. Their other children were:]
H. B. Levalley Was Boarnd Febrary
13 1841 [Henry Benton]
M D Levalley Was Boarnd March 1845
S J Levalley Was 1849 [Sarah]
Joseph Garland and Phebe
LaValley were
married on the 15th day of November 1849
Phebe Levalley was born Dec. 23d 1830.
Mary Melisy Garland was
born Sept 16th
Milley A. Garland was born Apr 27th
Martha A. L. Garland was born Apr
27th 1855
William H. Garland was born Nov 17th
Sarah Elizabeth Garland was born Apr
4th 1858
Doress Jane Garland was born Nov.
4th 1862
Wm. Henry Garland Died on
Dec 22d 1856
Mary M. Garland Died March 27th 1864
Sarah E. Georg june the Diead june
12 1896 [Probably Phebe's daughter, written in a 3rd hand]
Martha E. Fitch Dec
1939 [Probably Phebe's daughter, written in a 4th hand]
7. Bible record of Henry LeValley (son of Benjamin)
Bible was
published in 1841--after many of the dates recorded herein. In
all of the entries through 1913 appear to be in the same
that of Henry's son Benjamin Franklin LeValley. I suspect this
really his Bible, with the family information copied out of a now
Bible belonging to his parents. A few later notations in a second
hand are here italicized. The marriage page probably went first,
but I am listing births first.
Laura Thorson published
these records many years ago as "Henry LeValley Bible 1767-1856," Wisconsin
State Genealogical Society Newsletter, vol. 21, No. 4 (April
She also sent me a typed report listing (from what source I do not
these older sisters of Henry LeValley:
Phebe m. (1) John
Hollister, (2) Elias Howe
Ruby m. Welcom
Mercy m. Michael
Electa m. Caleb
Sweet--listed elsewhere in her records as Electra]
Henry LeValley
Nov. 24th, 1798
Elizabeth Sherman
Aug. 3d, 1803
Sylvia LeValley
Sept. 2d, 1821
Permilia Ann LeValley
[went by her
middle name]
Feb. 13th, 1823
Phebe Jane LeValley [went
by her middle
Jan. 31st, 1825
Benjamin Franklin LeValley
Oct. 28th, 1827
Electa LeValley
Oct. 13th, 1829
Michael Myers LeValley
Jan. 17th, 1832
George Washington LeValley
Oct. 23d, 1833
Lafayette LeValley
Oct. 19th, 1835
John Sherman LeValley
Sept. 3d, 1839
Charles Henry LeValley
Nov. 15th, 1841
Lorenzo Adelbert LeValley
Feb. 19th, 1844
Mary Elizabeth LeValley
Dec. 26th, 1847
Henry LeValley--father
Elizabeth Sherman--mother
Dec. 25th, 1820
Silvanus Williams
Electa LeValley
July 8th, 1846
Henry Schmerhorn
Permelia A. LeValley
July 25th, 1846
Benjamin LeValley
Isabella Roberts
July 7th, 1850
George LeValley
Mary Carroll
Nov. 27th, 1856
Lafayette LeValley
Mary Jane Flansburg
July 3d, 1856
Nehemiah Conklin
Phebe Jane LeValley
March 15th, 1857
[on the Marriages page]
Grand Parents
Benjamin LeValley
Mar. 21st, 1767
Mary Green LeValley
Feb. 23, 1766.
Deaths [on the Marriages page]
Mary LeValley
July 14th, 1844
Benjamin LeValley
Apr. 4th, 1849
Sylvia LeValley
June 12th, 1828
Michael Myers LeValley
Oct. 9th, 1832
Lorenzo Adelbert LeValley
March 24th, 1849
John Sherman LeValley
Nov. 27th, 1861
Mary Elizabeth LeValley
Dec. 13th, 1864
Electa ^ Williams LeValley
June 21st, 1896
Phoebe Jane ^ Conklin
Jan. 13th, 1909
Isabella Roberts LeValley wife
Benjamin F.
Feb. 15th, 1913
Charles Henry LeValley
George W. LeValley
Permelia Ann ^ Schmerhorn
Henry LeValley--father
Dec. 11th, 1886
Elizabeth Sherman LeValley--mother
Jan. 31st, 1892
Benjamin F. LeValley
Jan. 31, 1925
8. Bible records of Alice
his brothers,
Michael LeValley had only a vague knowledge of writing. He
the Ls in his signature. His descendants were the least educated
of the early LeValleys. His daughters, his youngest son Caleb,
Caleb's wife Alice all signed their names with a + or an x.
Alice neither read from, nor wrote the family information in her
one of her children may have been able to do those things for
Census records do not always show Caleb and Alice in the household at
same time. In fact, she did not even bother to mention Caleb in
Bible record.
These records show
four different sets of handwriting over the years. The first was
so poor that a second writer with a fluent hand recopied much of it
the facing page. Probably after a funeral in 1879, a third writer
added the family of Alice's son Warren, but placed a page of deaths
the births and marriages. I have moved that page to its logical
In the first half of the twentieth century, a fourth
here in italics--added a few notations to the third set of records,
placed the births and deaths from the family of Warren's son Benjamin
the last Birth page.]
[First writer] [Second writer]
Alice Levalley
Alice Levalley
Bible bought
Born September-2--1777.
the 15..
Berths of children
Childrens births unto
Uriah W.
Uriah H. Levalley
born june
Born june 11--1793
Sterry B. Levalley born
Waty Levalley
was Born june 27--1795
joanna Levalley
Sterry B. Levalley
October 18--1899
was Born july 16--1797
Benjamin Levalley
Joanna Levalley
was Born October 18--1799
Warren Levalley
Benjamin Levalley
was Born April 3--1801
Warren Levalley
Born August 15--1805
Christopher H. Levalley
Born May 6--1811
[Warren's family by a third hand--with annotations by a fourth]
Born August 15th 1805 in Coventry RI
Nancy T. Whalon
Born October 9th 1812 in Dartmouth Mass Died in F[all] R[iver]
11 1900
Alice A. LeValley Born July 21st 1832
Fall River Mass
Rebecca W. LeValley Born June 2nd
July 23 1834 in Fall River Mass
Francis W. LeValley Born June 2_th
Aug. 8 1836 in Lowell Mass
Hannah LeValley Born March 29th or
June __ 1838 in Cranston RI
Eliza J. LeValley Born September 16th
1840 in Cranston RI
Daniel W. LeValley Born Oct 2nd 1842
in Fall River Mass
Benjamin W. LeValley Born Oct 22nd
1844 Fall River Mass
Gideon W. LeValley Born August 5th
1846 in Tiverton RI
Arthur F. LeValley Born November 5th
1848 in Tiverton RI
Nancy M. LeValley Born February 26th
1852 in Tiverton RI
& Nancy T. Whalon Married July 3rd 1831
Henry Brightman
& Alice A. LeValley Married January 22nd 1853
Elisha M. Capen
& Eliza J. LeValley Married December 15th 1864
Benjamin W. LeValley
& Elizabeth H. Hathayay [Hathaway] Married Nov 3rd 1870
Julius K. Davoll
& Nancy M. LeValley Married March 12th 1874
Warren LeValley
Died Sept. 1st 1852 in Sanfrancisco California
Francis W. LeValley
Died July 6th 1836
Rebecca W. LeValley
Died in March 1837
Hannah LeValley
Died in Nov 1839
Daniel W. LeValley
Died in Dec 1843
Gideon W. LeValley
Died in Oct 1847
Arthur F. LeValley
Died July _0th 1854
Alice A. Brightman
Died Oct 30th 1879
N. Eugene Brightman
Died Oct 12th 1875 [probably son of the above]
[Family of Warren's son Benjamin, added by the fourth writer to the last Birth page]
Children of Benjamin & Elizabeth H. Levalley
Frank Arthur Levalley =
B. June
Carl Everett Levalley B.
Oct 9--1874 D. Oct 9--1918
Ivy Clifton Levalley-Davis
B. Sept 13--1879 D. Dec 15, 51
Roland Levalley B. July 12--1882
D. 1926
Edith E. wife of Frank
W. LeValley
died Oct 9 Nov 13, 1916
Elizabeth Levalley died May 20,
Benjamin W. "
" August 1900
Margaret McCrosson wife of Roland
died 1919
9. Affidavit of
Benjamin LeValley Sr.
than recording Bible records as they
happened, this affidavit is the earliest known attempt to tell LeValley
history. It is in the better handwriting and poor spelling of his
son Benjamin W., but Benjamin Sr. signed. Warren Welch has the
original document.]
I Benjamin
LeValley son of Caleb & Alice LeValley, Grand son of Michael
and great grand son of Peter LeValley do make the following statement
to my
best Knoweledge & belief. My great Grand Farther was a
Frenchman who landed
at Marble Head, Mass. in the early part of the 17th [should be 18th]
Century. He
remained at Marble Head for some time and acquired considerable
property but
afterwards traded some of it off for real Estate in Warwick R.I. near
what is now
called River Point or Phoenixville. The undersigned was born in
the town of
Coventry at Anthony Village in the Year 1801 April 3d. The writer of this
Benjamin LeValley is the direct decedant of the above mentioned Peter
who landed at Marble Head Mass. Peter the first had two sons,
John & Michael
and also some daughters but how many I do not Know. [There was
also an older
son, Peter.] My own Grand farther Michael LeValley had three
sons, Peter,
Benjamin & Caleb & also three daughters, Mary Sarah, &
Amy. [There was also
an older daughter, Marcy.] Mary married Israel Jonson of Coventry
R.I. and Sarah
married a Mr. Wood, also of Coventry, R.I. My Farther Caleb
LeValley had five
Sons, Uriah W. Sterry B. Benjamin, Warren and Christopher W and also two
daughters Joanna & Waty. Waty died in infancy; Joanna wife of
the late Caleb
Remington of Johnston R.I. died in the year 1876 in the town of
Johnston at her
home now the residence of her two sons John & Andrew and also a
Joanna Remington. My mother was the daughter of Arthur Fenner, I
believe of
Cranston R.I. He was at the battle of Quebeck with General Arnold
during the
Revolutinery war for independance from Great Brittain.
The above is correct to my Knowlage and belief.
Benjamin Levalley Sen.
age 82 years
Sept 5th 1883
10. Published genealogy of Nancy LeValley Davol
[This genealogical sketch was published in 1916 in The Encyclopedia of Massachusetts: Biographical, Genealogical. But the editors mangled the LeValley name so badly that family researchers did not find this record until nearly a century later. The spelling has been corrected here.]
The name of LeValley is undoubtedly of French
origin, and has probably undergone some changes in spelling down to the
present time. It is supposed to have originated in the Channel
Islands, which were inhabited by French people, though under English
jurisdiction, and was brought to this country about the beginning of
the eighteenth century.
(I) Peter LeValley is supposed to have been born in
the Channel Islands, and died in Warwick, Rhode Island, in 1757.
He was a fisherman at Marblehead, Massachusetts, where he is first
found of record, and in November, 1727, exchanged his real estate in
that town with Rev. George Pigott, an Episcopal clergyman of Warwick,
Rhode Island. He at once removed to the latter town where he was
admitted a freeman, March 4, 1728. His wife Sarah probably
accompanied him from Europe, as nothing is known of her beyond her
baptismal name. They had children: Peter; John; Michael; Mary,
married - King; Margaret, married October 30, 1726, Christopher Bulier
or Bubois [actually Beubier]; Sarah, married Peleg Cook.
(II) Michael LeValley, son of Peter and Sarah
LeValley, was admitted freeman in Warwick, June 5, 1741. He
married, August 26, 1757, Almy Bailey, and had children: Peter,
Benjamin, Caleb, Mary, Almy or Amy [daughters incomplete and out of
(III) Caleb LeValley, third son of Michael and Almy
(Bailey) LeValley, was born about 1770, and lived in Warwick. He
married Alice Fenner, born September 2, 1775, daughter of Captain
Arthur Fenner, of Cranston... died October 16, 1858. Children:
Uriah W., born June 11, 1793: Waity, June 27, 1795; Sterry B., July 26,
1797; Joanna, October 18, 1799, married Caleb Remington, died May 6,
1876; Benjamin, April 3, 1801; Warren, mentioned below; Christopher,
May 6, 1811.
(IV) Warren LeValley, son of Caleb and Alice
(Fenner) LeValley, was born August 15, 1805, in Warwick, and died in
California, in 1852. He married, July 3, 1831 Nancy T., born in
Westport, Massachusetts, daughter of Daniel and Sybil (Rogers)
Whalen, of Dartmouth, Massachusetts.... Mrs. Nancy T.
LeValley died in February, 1900, in Fall River, Massachusetts, and was
buried in Oak Grove Cemetery of that city. Children [in scrambled
order]: Alice, married Henry Brightman; Gideon, died young: Hannah,
deceased; Daniel, died young; Rebecca, died young: Francis, died young;
Arthur, died young; Benjamin, served in the Civil War, and died in
1900; Eliza J., married Elisha Capen, of Fall River; Nancy M.,
mentioned below.
(V) Nancy M. LeValley, youngest child of Warren
and Nancy T. (Whalen) LeValley, was born February 26, 1852, in Fall
River, and married, March 12, 1874, Julius Kay Davol. born August
31, 1852, in Westport, Massachusetts, son of George F. and Jane (Kay)
Davol.... Julius Kay Davol is a well known citizen of Fall River,
where he has been an officer of the police department for the past
twenty-seven years. Mrs. Davol is a member of Ouequechan Chapter,
Daughters of the American Revolution, of Fall River. Children:
Maude Alice, died young; Eugene Warren, married Addie Lincoln Wilbur,
of Tiverton, Rhode Island, and has three children: Marion Fenner,
Dorothy Lincoln and Dale Franklin Davol.